Monday, May 18, 2015

ODI-10013: This import action has been cancelled because it could damage your repository.

ERROR:ODI-10013: This import action has been cancelled because it could damage your repository.
This is due to an SNP_LSCHEMA object that has object identifier 32001 that is greater than that for the current SNP_LSCHEMA id sequence.

Cause: some of the tables used in work repository are have no connections defined in physical, logical layer schemas.

If you would like to move your source models, target models and project contents from Work repository 1 to another work repository.
I.e. Dev. server to Prod Server.

1. Firstly, replicate the master repository connections i.e. with same naming conventions manually and same changes(physical,logical connection details etc) in Prod.
2. Go to Dev. Server work repository -> File Tab -> Click on Export work repository (save it in a folder)
3. After exporting, you can view the xml files in the folders.
4. Now, Open the Prod. server and make sure you already replicated mas. rep. details.
5. Now, right click on model and import source model in synonym mode insert_update (select source model from the folder where your xml file located)
6. Similarily, import again target then Project.

NOTE: The above procedure is applicable for Smart import/export also.

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