Thursday, May 28, 2015

How to schedule a concurrent program in oracle apps

When you are moving your new concurrent programs to production instance, you may have to schedule them based on the requirement.

In this blog post we will see how to schedule a concurrent program and the different ways involved in it:

In this example we will schedule the concurrent program – “Workflow Background Process”.

 1.  Go to System Administrator responsibility

 2.  Navigate to Menu option view -> Requests, submit a new concurrent program

 3.  Submit the concurrent program – “Workflow Background Process”

 4 .  Provide all the required input parameters for the concurrent program
 5.  The default value of the program submission is – “Run the Job: As Soon as Possible”, means the program will be submitted immediately as when the program is submitted

 6.  If you want to schedule the program use any one of the following options.
 a.  Once
 We need to provide the date when the program has to run

 b.  Periodically
 ·      Provide the Start date and End date. Eg:- program has to run from 01-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2013
 ·      Provide the Re-run every option. Eg:- if we want the program to run once in every month then in the above period input – 1 Month(s)
 ·      Apply the Interval. Say the program starts as 01-JAN-2013 00:00:00 & ends at 01-JAN-2013 06:00:00. (i.e., it took 6 hrs. to complete). So do you want the next Interval (Say, run every 12hrs) to start from.
  §  If you want the next interval to start from 01-JAN-2013 12:00:00 then select – “From the Start of the prior run”
  §  If you want the next interval to start from 01-JAN-2013 18:00:00 then select – “From the Completion of the prior run”

 c.  On Specific Days
 ·      If you want the program to run on a specific days in a month provide the details here.
 ·      If you want the program to run on specific days in a week provide the details under – Days of Every Week

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