Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Pivot, Unpivot in Oracle SQL

Below is a sample table.

select * from olympic_medal_winners;

Pivot: Convert rows to columns.

select * from (
select noc,medal from olympic_medal_winners)
pivot (
  count(*) for medal
  in ( 'Gold' Gold, 'Silver' Silver , 'Bronze'   Bronze)

order by 1 desc
fetch first 6 rows only;

Note: Always maintain pivot in outer most subquery with "select * from" clause.

Below is a query which results total events,sports, gender where gold , silver, bronze is won.

select * from (
 select noc, medal, sport, event, gender
 from   olympic_medal_winners
pivot (
 count(distinct sport ||'#'|| event ||'#'||gender )
 for medal in ( 'Gold' gold, 'Silver' silver, 'Bronze' bronze )
order  by 2 desc, 3 desc, 4 desc
fetch first 5 rows only;

Note: The outer grouping will occur only if that column is not used in Pivot braces. In above case sport,gender, event columns are used in Pivot braces() so, that wouldn't be grouped in result. Only NOC column is used to group.

Using multiple measure(count, sum) and filter pivoted data.

select * from (
  select noc, medal, sport, event, gender, athlete
  from   olympic_medal_winners
pivot  (
  count( distinct sport ||'#'|| event ||'#'|| gender ) medals,
  count( distinct sport ) sports,
  listagg( athlete, ',') within group (order by athlete) athletes
  for medal in ( 'Gold' gold )

where  noc like 'D%'

Unpivot: Convert Columns to rows.

Below is an another data set representing medals count.

select * from olympic_medal_tables

Below is an example of unpivoting the data.
select * from olympic_medal_tables
unpivot (medal_count for medal_colour in (
  gold_medals as 'GOLD',
  silver_medals as 'SILVER',
  bronze_medals as 'BRONZE'
order  by noc
fetch  first 6 rows only;

ALG  GOLD                                  0            
ALG  BRONZE                             0            
ALG  SILVER                                2            
ARG  GOLD                                  3            
ARG  BRONZE                             0            
ARG  SILVER                                1

Note: Observe that each column is denoted with a data set name GOLD, SILVER, BROZE etc to consider each of them in one column.

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