Monday, June 20, 2016

Query to fetch item category set name , Category, Item Description, Org Code, UOM

select mp.organization_code "Org Code",
msi.segment1 "Item",
msi.description "Item Description",
mc.segment1 "Category",
msi.primary_uom_code "UOM"
from inv.mtl_system_items_b msi,
-- Item Master
inv.mtl_item_categories mic,
-- item / category association
inv.mtl_categories_b mc,
-- category definition
inv.mtl_category_sets_b mcs,
-- base category set table
inv.mtl_category_sets_tl mcs_tl,
-- translated category set names
inv.mtl_default_category_sets mdcs,
-- default categories by functional area
inv.mtl_parameters mp
-- inventory organization definition
where msi.organization_id = mp.organization_id
and mcs.category_set_id = mcs_tl.category_set_id
and mcs_tl.language = 'US'
and mic.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
and mic.organization_id = msi.organization_id
and mic.category_id = mc.category_id
and mic.category_set_id = mcs.category_set_id
and mcs.category_set_id = mdcs.category_set_id
and mdcs.functional_area_id = 1 -- Inventory
-- 1 Inventory
-- 2 Purchasing
-- 3 Planning
-- 4 Service
-- 5 Cost
-- 6 Engineering
-- 7 Order Entry
-- 8 Product Line Accounting
-- 9 Asset Management
-- 10 Contracts
-- 11 Product Reporting
-- 12 GDSN Syndication - UDEX
-- 13 Process Allocation Class
-- 14 Process Sequence Dependency Class
-- 15 Process Substandard Item Class
-- 16 Process Technical Class
-- 17 Process GL Class
-- 18 Process GL Business Class
-- 19 Process Cost Class
-- 20 Process Product Line
-- 21 GDSN Syndication - GPC
and mp.organization_code = '&organization_code'
order by 1,2

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