Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Passing Dashboard prompt value to RPD as request variable and using it in metric calculation

Passing Dashboard prompt value to RPD as request variable and using it in metric calculation

As an example I am creating a dashboard prompt to show month names (Example: Jun-15) and I want to pass respective month number (example:6)  to RPD metrics calculation
Create a column type dashboard prompt and set the value of it in presentation variable ‘month_desc’ as shown below

Create another dashboard prompt  of type request variable as shown below use this presentation variable “month_desc” for deriving respective month number.
Step 3:
Create a dynamic session variable in rpd with the same name ‘month_num’ as shown below.
Create both variable and initialization block with some default value as shown  below
Step 4:   Use the created variable in metric calculation as shown below.

1. The request variable name at report level and RPD session variable name must be same.

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