Sometimes you want to wrap the column text at some specific point or
position. For that you need to understand following two concepts:-
i) Word wrap takes place when a "Line Feed('/n')" character is used. The ASCII of Line Feed is 10 in decimal. In OBIEE, char() functions returns an equivalent character for an ASCII value. So, if we use char(10) then a Line Feed is expected.
ii) In HTML, "PRE" tag is used to preserve Spaces And Line Feed.
Combining the above two concepts we can introduce a New Line in Column Text. e.g:- A column "Name" contains both the "First Name" And the "Last Name".
Now, we want to display it like the following:-
For this, edit your column formula like the following:-
The above formula will replace the spaces with New Line character.
Now, Override Default Data Format and use Custom Text Format Like the Following:-
The custom Text Format is:-
i) Word wrap takes place when a "Line Feed('/n')" character is used. The ASCII of Line Feed is 10 in decimal. In OBIEE, char() functions returns an equivalent character for an ASCII value. So, if we use char(10) then a Line Feed is expected.
ii) In HTML, "PRE" tag is used to preserve Spaces And Line Feed.
Combining the above two concepts we can introduce a New Line in Column Text. e.g:- A column "Name" contains both the "First Name" And the "Last Name".
Now, we want to display it like the following:-
For this, edit your column formula like the following:-
REPLACE(<YOUR COLUMN>, ' ',char(10))
Now, Override Default Data Format and use Custom Text Format Like the Following:-
The custom Text Format is:-